
Stay at Home What?

I don't really like the term stay-at-home-mom. I can't quite put my finger on why but it just bugs me. I know it's just a term used to identify whether you work outside the home or not but really a mom is a mom no matter what. 

Moms who stay at home are moms.
Moms who go to work are moms.
Moms with babies in heaven are moms.
Moms to fur babies are moms. 
A mother is not defined by a specific parameter.

Somehow this big thing got started. (Some call it the mommy wars.) As if there is one specific way to raise a baby. Bottle vs breast. Cloth vs disposable. Stay at home vs go to work. Homeschool vs public school. It goes on and on. 

But what it really comes down to is this: love your kid and do the best you can every single day. Because being a mom is hard enough without all the other stuff. I am not the first person to say these things or feel this way and I hope I won't be the last either! Less judgement, more compassion.

(And I think this stuff applies to dads too but I'm not a dad so I can't really say.)

All of that to say; I am so lucky to get to spend my days with this kid. And I really love being his mom. Even if that means sometimes I have to clean up all the poop. 

(I'm sure by now you have all seen that video and know what I'm talking about but if not-An Open Letter to Moms by Kid President. You can thank me later.)

And now, more pictures of my kid. Because it's my blog and I get to decide. ;)

^^ I was sitting at the computer (probably blogging) and I look over and this kid is just lounging out on this blanket. He laid like this for ten minutes! So dang cute and always keeps me laughing.

^^ Charlie loves a good selfie. Cheese ball. :)

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