
Just in time!

(July 31, 2013)

^^ Sweetest baby Mimi made her appearance in the early hours of the day we flew home. I was so happy I got to meet her and kiss those soft newborn cheeks. Jen is such a rockstar. Love these girls so much.

^^ Lulu is the funniest, sweetest, happiest girl ever. Love her. Mimi is a lucky girl to have such a great big sister.

Babies and Pizza

(August 15, 2013)

^^ Little buds. And this was right before Charlie rolled right onto Max. ;) 

^^ We have pizza night with our good friends every Thursday. The last year while Trav was on nights we just usually had to hurry and eat so he could get to work. But he finally got back on days and we got to hang out and enjoy the evening! They live out of town a bit and have a pond! By the look on Charlie's face I would say he's excited to have his dad around. I think we all are.


g r o w i n g

Months one through six. Growing too fast!

Charlie: Six months

He hit a great sleeping pattern while we were in idaho and would sleep for about 10 hours and then wake up and nurse and go back to sleep for another hour or two. It was so great!

Went to his first family reunion. Got his cheeks pinched by a few relatives!

We took him to Rexburg Rapids which is like a baby waterpark sort of and he LOVED it. He loves water so much. Just like his mama.

He hit a huge growth spurt and is growing out of everything! Still in size three diapers.

His eczema seems to be a lot better. But he's still always scratching his neck and legs.

Bath time is still his favorite.

Down to two naps most of the time.

First solids: avocado and banana on August 3rd.

He is starting to get really vocal and you can see in some of the pictures he's "talking". (or yelling!) :)

Weight: 19 lbs 8 oz
Length: 27 in

*I caught him rolling over on camera and I think it's too cute not to post. Also-he loves the straps on his bumbo-it's really funny to watch him try to eat them.