
Charlie: Seven Months

^^ I'm sitting here putting this post together while Charlie is napping. This picture makes me want to go get him up just to see his cute smile. He pulls the best faces. Love this boy!

^^ And then of course he rolled over and that was all the pictures I was going to get. :)

^^ He also looooooves to grab my camera. 

It is so bizarre to me that Charleston is already seven months! It's just so weird that he is closer to being a year old than is is to being a newborn. Such a cliche but seriously we blinked and the time is gone! He is such a joy and we don't even know what we ever did without him.

Sleep: Finally sleeping again. For the most part he sleeps about twelve hours, waking up to nurse once or twice. Still taking two naps and sometimes three. Pretty much only naps in his swing still. We're going to work on that. Haha. He puts himself to sleep at night and that is so nice.

Eat: Still nurses about every three hours during the day but can go longer if we have something going on. He's eating solids now once a day. Usually right before bath time so we just strip him down, feed him and then give him a bath. Makes clean up so much easier! So far he has had: avocado, banana, sweet potatoes, pears, sweet peas, peaches, squash and applesauce. His favorites are bananas and sweet potatoes!

Wear: He's now in size four diapers and 9-12 month clothes. We just got him some new jammies and they don't have the feet and Trav goes-I don't like these, they make him look too grown up! We are such nerds. I just went through his stuff and put away a bunch of things he has grown out of and definitely teared up. Trav teases me but he is the same way! It's so sad that he is growing so fast and isn't a little baby anymore! And then it's also really fun that he's getting older and doing new things. Oh parenting.

Play: He likes to sit in his bumbo and jumper. He loves his little play mat still and rolls and scoots all around the living room. Not crawling yet though and I am not even mad about that! Wait as long as you want kid! He's sitting up pretty well. If he's on your lap he can sit great. On the floor he can only sit for about 10 seconds before tipping over. We put him in the cart at the grocery store now, instead of his car seat, and it makes him seem so grown up!

  • At his six month checkup (which was closer to seven months) he weighed almost 20 pounds and was 27 inches.
  • He has been to eight states.
  • He's been on eight plane rides (two trips to Idaho).
  • He loves swimming and playing with his little cousins and our friends here.
  • He has really stopped puking so much which is so great!
  • He's getting easier to take places-he's easier to distract with toys and stuff.
  • This is huge-he can drink out of a sippy cup! So far he hasn't had any milk, just water. But it is so nice to know that he will finally. It was really nice on our recent trip to Kansas city-if he was getting hungry we could give him some water and it would tide him over for a few minutes until we could get somewhere I could feed him. It also helped keep him cool with the terrible heat wave!
I had to add this funny thing-the other day we were at the grocery store and lately we have been putting Charlie in the cart (sitting up) but I just needed to run in so I had him in his carseat sitting down in the cart so that makes this a tiny bit more understandable. I was stopped in an aisle looking for something and this little old man came over and started chatting with Charlie like most people do. Well he says to me, "He's really cute-how old? About six weeks?" Haha. I just had to chuckle a little bit.
He's such a happy boy-everywhere we go people just love on him and he will smile and laugh for everyone. It is so fun to see him learning and experiencing the world around him. We love our little Charleston Bennett!

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