
Charlie: Five Months

Mr. Charleston hit a big milestone and rolled from back to front! I caught it on video about the second time he did it. So cute.

He can sit up pretty well in the bumbo or highchair.

Went for his second plane ride (well technically his fifth but only his second trip) and did great until our flight was delayed and we had to sit around in the denver airport for four hours and didn't get to Idaho until 2 in the morning! But he actually still did pretty well. He's a good little travel buddy.

He really laughs out loud now and will laugh and smile for people other than me and Trav.

Went to his first birthday party! Cousin Nels turned one.

He loooooves otter pops....oops.

For some reason he has been spitting up way more than ever. As soon as I feed him if I don't lay him down on the floor or bouncer (so almost flat) he will puke all over whoever is holding him. Or if he rolls onto his tummy right after eating.

Had a few bad nights in a row-up almost every hour. That was unpleasant! But then he started sleeping about 10 or 11 hours!

When we were in Idaho he had some really bad eczema-like rashes on his arms and legs. It didn't last very long though so I don't really know what it was. I used some lavender on the worst spots (the back of his knees) and tried some aveeno eczema therapy lotion. Not sure if either of those actually helped but it's gone now! (You can see it pretty good in some of these photos and overall he's just kind of red and sneezy looking.)

He does this weird thing where he scratches his legs, tummy or the back of his neck. It's like he can't help it. I thought it had to do with the rash but he is still doing it and the rash is gone. I have to keep his nails as short as possible but they grow so fast!

Still wearing size three diapers and most of the same clothes.

Weight: around 18 lbs just from weighing myself and then picking him up and weighing us together-so reliable ;)

We did these pics outside at my parent's house and it was a little bright for him so his eyes are closed in most of them-oh well he's still  adorable!

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