
One thousand one hundred and seventy.

That's how many miles separate me from my family.

Today was a hard day. I completely forgot today was take-out (a day when my family herds the cows out to the range to stay there all summer long). I tried calling my mom a few times this morning and texting my sister to find out where everyone was and why I was being ignored. A few hours later she sent me a text that things were not going so well with the new cows who don't know the way. Apparently it was a really bad day for everyone who got to be there too so maybe I shouldn't feel so left out.

I really have done so much better than I thought I would. I haven't really been homesick except for Mother's day when we skyped with my family and we got to kind of talk to little Ezra who is quickly becoming not so little anymore. That was tough. We (luckily) got to spend a lot of time with him and his sisters before we moved out here but it's never enough!

I just think it's especially hard with the nieces and nephews who are still pretty little. With everyone else I know they will miss us and we miss them, but we can just talk to them on the phone or skype. With the little ones, I feel like they won't even remember us! That makes me so sad.

Wow this post is slowly turning into a huge downer. I promise I'm ok! Aside from Mother's day and that one day after church where I had a slight meltdown I haven't even cried! But we won't talk about those days. Haha.

Here is the past month in iphone photos! (photo overload!)

Beautiful park by our house with a lovely little frisbee golf course! (Mom did you know that the world champion frisbee golfer of the world {or frolfer as they call it} is from Ottumwa?)

Evening walks are the best. Except it's still like a million degrees until at least 3 in the morning.

New flowers on the porch. Don't ask me what they are. If I were the one taking care of them they'd be dead in a week. {I have a really nice husband.}

Graham's. Twist. Nuff said.

BBQ night with the new bffs. Mike and Colleen.

No that's not a dragon. It's just one of the gigantic bugs they have in this place. Everywhere!

This was my first time entering Illinois! State line is the river.

Nauvoo was wonnnnnderful. It deserves it's own post.

BFF Mike and Colleen's littlest. Phoebe. Super smiley.

Her sister Olivia. Spunkiest kid I've ever met.

Nothing better than a sleeping baby on your shoulder.

Apparently it's official? We really did move to Iowa.

Mike and Colleen just moved into a beautiful home out in the country. With a pond. A pond!

This boy will not behave for pictures.

First time eating at Panera. This was in Des Moines. More on that later as well.

No one can get it right. But Bestie? Really?

There are deer everywhere! This little guy had to have been only a few hours old. So glad his mom ran out first and we saw her and slowed down. That would have been the saddest day ever to hit this little one!

That's about all that's been going on in our lives for the last month! Lots of work for Trav and lots of catching up on four seasons of Private Practice for me! :)

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