
Charlie: Four months

Charlie loves kisses and lots of attention.

He takes about three or four naps a day. Pretty much only naps in his swing or in the car. I'm not too worried about it but ask me again when he outgrows it.

Wears size three diapers and mostly 6-12 months and some 12-18 months.

Loves his playmat and his new toys we just bought him.

Loves his daddy so much and getting tickled.

Sleeps pretty great-7-10 hour stretches and usually about 12 hours from bedtime until he's up for the day.

Dr gave us the go ahead to start solids but we are going to hold off as long as possible. He's gaining weight just fine-clearly. I'm just not ready for that mess yet!

Took him to the zoo and he loved it! At the aquarium he was looking around at all the fish in amazement. It was so much fun!

(I typed this up when he was actually four months old! Go me!)

But now some things to add now that he is no longer four months old.

He got suuuuuuuper giggly right around this time. Just take a look at these photos. Giggle monster.

He got pretty interested in toys which you can see if you scroll down. His love for them has only gotten more intense and he especially loves anything that can be chewed on.

As you can see if you look at the pictures in the chair-he started getting pretty wiggly! Had to really start watching him when we set him on anything that he could roll/ scoot off.

At his four month check up our pediatrician (who is a middle aged grandma type lady who we just love!) told me that we need to work on tummy time more regularly so you can also see that if you scroll down!

Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz
Length: 25 1/2 in

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