

When we found out we were moving to Iowa back in December, my first thought was, "You want me to move where????" But then my next thought was,  "But isn't Iowa so weird??" Well I have since then figured out where Iowa is, and no, it's not anywhere near Idaho butthanksforasking. And I have also learned that it's not so weird. Or at least not any more so than Idaho so do with that information what you will! But I have noticed a lot of things. A lot of things I miss about Idaho and a few that I actually like more. So here it is-a list.

Things that are different:

  • There are no mountains. But don't go on thinking it's flat here because I drove all the way across Nebraska and that is flaaaaaat. Iowa is not.
  • Fireflies. They are everywhere. I don't care how old you think you are, when you see them I swear it's like magic.
  • There haven't been many cops driving around town. In fact, I can't think of any that I have seen. We live near the hospital and hear the ambulance quite a bit but no police cars in sight so far. 
  • No Cafe Rio. No Cocoa Bean. No frysauce.  
  • Humidity. Seriously. I don't even know where to start guys. And I've mentioned it to a few neighbors and all I hear is, just wait until August. So that will be interesting.
  • I know we've all heard it said that people in the mid-west are nice. Well it's totally true. It's so refreshing and I'm sooo glad. 

Things are are not so different:

  • Wildlife. Guys, there are seriously animals everywhere. I mean, there's a family of raccoons chillin in the dumpster. Travis takes out the trash. Obviously.
  • They have a Target here. So that's really all that matters right?
  • The people are mostly farmers and small town kind of folk so that's pretty great.  
  • There's a little town about an hour from here named Victor. So I mean, pretty much the same right?

And a few photos of what we've been up to recently, because honestly, blog posts without photos are pretty boring. Here ya go!

Graham's is a delicious little local ice cream shop. You will most likely have to stand in line for at least 15 minutes to get a yummy treat. So worth it. Plus the people watching is superb.

Dipped and twist please.

I told him to just act normal and this is what I got. Good thing he's cute.

On our way home after a long day at The Beach. Not the real one. Just the fake water park by the river.

This one requires a little explanation-I have tried to make chocolate chip cookies probably every couple months since we've been married and every time I fail miserably. I mean, they're only chocolate chip cookies right? How hard can it be? Well obviously something wasn't right but guys! I just made these on Sunday and I was seriously so proud of myself! So delicious and still chewy! Maybe I always needed to move to Iowa to perfect my baking skills!


  1. I heard chocolate chip cookies love the humidity so that's why they turned out so well!! j/k Sounds like a great place!

  2. i am so proud of your cookies! maybe i will attempt some today. it is not the least bit humid so i won't get my hopes up. love your post. love you. can't think about you being here without crying. can't do anything without crying these days.

  3. I love that you are finding things you like out there. It makes me not as sad that you guys are gone.

  4. Haha -- I work in Victor. The first time somebody told me they were from Victor, I thought Victor, Idaho -- not Victor, Iowa. It was embarrassing.
