
February 4, 2013

My very last belly photo! I know I was miserable but I didn't realize how far my belly was sticking out until it wasn't anymore. I actually really loved being pregnant but I also really loved getting him out of there!

I was set to be induced Monday morning at 8:00. We got there and got all checked in and then my nurse came in and hooked me up the IV and pitocin.

Poor Travis worked the night before so he was a little sleepy!

After 14 missssssssserable hours of having contractions and getting checked and more contractions and getting checked again, I had dilated 1 cm. So I was dilated to 2 cm at that point and my doctor recommended a c section. He had initially wanted to do one after my 39 week ultrasound when Charlie was measuring an estimated 10 lbs 8 oz but I wanted to at least try to have him naturally since we have always wanted lots of kids and multiple c-sections can get risky! So he reluctantly agreed to induce me. My body was just not responding and about 9:30 pm we agreed to go ahead with the surgery. Let me just tell you though, contracting for 12+ hours and then still ending up with a c-section is not fun! Here is a picture of Trav all suited up and ready to go! 

The surgery was pretty scary for me. I didn't have an epidural yet so the anesthesiologist came in and gave me one. He was awesome and really calmed my nerves. The spinal block didn't hurt at all but it was just super scary for me. And it made me super itchy and shaky!! Then when I was all prepped they brought Trav into the OR. Only a few minutes later and our boy was here! My memory of the whole thing is a little iffy but I do remember the dr holding him up and he couldn't believe how big he was! My first thought was-he looks just like Trav! And then I guess I blacked out because the next thing I remember was waking up in recovery. Trav said they cleaned him up and brought him over to me while the dr was stitching me up and I was talking to him but I don't remember that at all! I was a little bit disappointed that I ended up with a c-section but all that matters is that we have a healthy baby! 

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